Crazy Scary Times

This is all very unsettling. To say the least. Here are some ways to stay centered.

Be kind. Be very kind to everyone.

Be attuned. When the intensity is rising, stop, notice, investigate and then try to breathe into the emotion.

Be tuned in (to others). Text the ones you love, the ones you have lost track of, the neighbors down the block. Plan a Zoom Happy Hour. Facetime with Grandma, or Dad, or Sis, or whomever.

Be grounded, or at least try to be! Look around at all that is good, at all that works, at all that you have, at all those you know.

Be ready to distract yourself. Take a walk, have a large glass of water, do some jumping jacks, marvel at the sky, find a photo that makes you super duper happy.

Be imaginative. Buy a flowering plant, start a large puzzle, clean out a closet, repair something that’s been broken, make a scrapbook, make a photo album, write a letter (yes, a letter!), to a pal, a relative, a colleague you miss seeing every day. Start meditating, or listen to podcasts about meditating.

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